
Tag Requirements

Tag Requirements for License Renewal

Certification Tag (Green)

  1. Certification tags shall be green in color. Tags on portable fire extinguishers may be any color except blue, yellow or red.
  2. All tags must be card stock, plastic, vinyl, tyevak or metal in order to maintain the running record for the system.
  3. All tags shall be 5¼ inches in height and 2⅝ inches in width.
  4. Firms shall have their tags printed and one forwarded to the State Fire Marshal’s Licensing Section for approval and incorporation in the firm’s life.
  5. Tags may be removed only by licensed employees of a certified firm or employees of the State Fire Marshal’s Office and certified fire prevention bureaus.
  6. The certification tag shall be attached in such a way as to not hamper the actuation and operation of the equipment or system.
  7. A certification tag shall be attached on all systems or equipment found to be in proper working condition and which are found to be in an operational condition per the inspection, testing and maintenance chapters of the applicable NFPA codes and standards. This tag shall be used for new installations and shall be in addition to the installation tag provided for in these rules.
  8. Certification tags must contain all of the information listed below. Information shall be preprinted on the tag unless noted otherwise.
    1. "DO NOT REMOVE BY ORDER OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL" (all capital letters in bold face type);
    2. firm's name, physical address and telephone number;
    3. firm's State Fire Marshal certificate number;
    4. technician's name and State Fire Marshal license number to be printed on tag either at the time of service or preprinted;
    5. technician's signature to be signed at time of service (no preprinted signatures nor initials are permitted; apprentices are not permitted to sign tags);
    6. day, month and year in which the certification was performed (must be punched through certification tag at designated marks for day, month and year; designated marks for day, month and year shall only be punched once per tag);
    7. type of work performed. Only installation or certification shall be noted on tag for type of work performed (must be punched through the certification tag).
    8. serial number of special locking system’s control panel if present;
    9. owner of system and address of owner (to be noted on rear of tag).
  9. Other information may be permitted on the tag after a review and approval by the fire marshal. A request for additional information shall be made to the fire marshal in writing with a sample tag indicating the requested additions.

Service Tag (Blue)

  1. Service tags shall be blue in color.
  2. All tags must be card stock, plastic, vinyl, tyevak or metal in order to maintain the running record for the system.
  3. All tags shall be 5¼ inches in height and 2⅝ inches in width.
  4. Firms shall have their tags printed and one forwarded to the State Fire Marshal’s Licensing Section for approval and incorporation in the firm’s life.
  5. The service tag shall be attached in such a way as to not hamper the actuation and operation of the equipment or system.
  6. Tags may be removed only by licensed employees of a certified firm or employees of the State Fire Marshal’s Office and certified fire prevention bureaus.
  7. Service tags must contain all of the information listed below. Information shall be preprinted on the tag unless noted otherwise.
    1. "DO NOT REMOVE BY ORDER OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL" (all capital letters in bold face type);
    2. firm's name, physical address and telephone number;
    3. firm's State Fire Marshal certificate number;
    4. technician's name and State Fire Marshal license number to be printed on tag either at the time of service or preprinted;
    5. technician's signature to be signed at time of service (no preprinted signatures nor initials are permitted; apprentices are not permitted to sign tags);
    6. day, month and year in which service was performed (must be punched through service tag at designated marks for day, month and year; designated marks for day, month and year shall only be punched once per tag);
    7. type of work performed. Only Service shall be noted on tag for type of work performed. Specifics as to the type of work performed shall be noted on rear of tag, (i.e. changed push button, repaired motion detector, etc).
    8. Serial number of special locking system’s control panel if present.
    9. Owner of system and address of owner (to be noted on rear of tag).
  8. Other information may be permitted on the tag after a review and approval by the fire marshal. A request for additional information shall be made to the fire marshal in writing with a sample tag indicating the requested additions.

Partial Impairment Tag (Yellow)

  1. A partial impairment tag, to be yellow in color, which is to be used when minor deficiencies are found on the equipment or system. The partial impairment tag is in addition to the requirement of having a service tag and impairment tag.
  2. All tags must be card stock, plastic, vinyl, tyevak or metal in order to maintain the running record for the system.
  3. All tags shall be 5¼ inches in height and 2⅝ inches in width.
  4. Firms shall have their tags printed and one forwarded to the State Fire Marshal’s Licensing Section for approval and incorporation in the firm’s life.
  5. Tags may be removed only by licensed employees of a certified firm or employees of the State Fire Marshal’s Office and certified fire prevention bureaus.
  6. Partial impairment tags must contain all of the information listed below. Information shall be preprinted on the tag unless noted otherwise:
    1. "DO NOT REMOVE BY ORDER OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL" (all capital letters in bold face type);
    2. firm's name, physical address and telephone number;
    3. firm's State Fire Marshal certificate number;
    4. technician's name and State Fire Marshal license number to be printed on tag either at the time of service or preprinted;
    5. technician's signature to be signed at time of inspection (no preprinted signatures nor initials are permitted; (apprentices are not permitted to sign tags);
    6. day, month and year in which the impairment was found (to be punched through service tag at designated marks for day, month and year; designated marks for day, month and year shall only be punched once per tag);
    7. type of impairment found (to be hand written on rear of tag);If additional space is needed to note the impairments, then multiple tags shall be used noting 1 of 2, 2 of 2, etc.;
    8. serial number of special locking system’s control panel if present;
    9. business owner or tenant and physical address of where the system is located (to be noted on rear of tag).

Impairment Tag (Red)

  1. All firms shall have an impairment tag, to be red in color, which is to be used when major deficiencies are found on systems or equipment.
  2. All tags must be card stock, plastic, vinyl, tyevak or metal in order to maintain the running record for the system.
  3. All tags shall be 5¼ inches in height and 2⅝ inches in width.
  4. Firms shall have their tags printed and one forwarded to the State Fire Marshal’s Licensing Section for approval and incorporation in the firm’s life.
  5. Tags may be removed only by licensed employees of a certified firm or employees of the State Fire Marshal’s Office and certified fire prevention bureaus.
  6. Impairment tags must contain all of the information listed below. Information shall be preprinted on the tag unless noted otherwise:
    1. "DO NOT REMOVE BY ORDER OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL" (all capital letters in bold face type);
    2. firm's name, physical address and telephone number;
    3. firm's State Fire Marshal certificate number;
    4. technician's name and State Fire Marshal license number to be printed on tag either at the time of service or preprinted;
    5. technician's signature to be signed at time of inspection (no preprinted signatures nor initials are permitted; (apprentices are not permitted to sign tags);
    6. day, month and year in which the inspection was performed (to be punched through service tag at designated marks for day, month and year; designated marks for day, month and year shall only be punched once per tag);
    7. type of impairment found (to be hand written on rear of tag);If additional space is needed to note the impairments, then multiple tags shall be used noting 1 of 2, 2 of 2, etc.;
    8. serial number of special locking system’s control panel if present;
    9. business owner or tenant and physical address of where the system is located (to be noted on rear of tag).

Installation Tag For Property Protection Firms (White)

  1. The installation tag shall be a minimum of 2¾ inches by 2¾ inches. Maximum size cannot exceed 5 inches by 5 inches. The tag shall be white in color and have a self adhesive backing. The following information and wording shall be required to be preprinted on the front side of the tag:
    1. "DO NOT REMOVE BY ORDER OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL" (all capital letters, in bold type);
    2. installation tag;
    3. installation date;
    4. firm's name;
    5. firm's certificate number;
    6. technician's name;
    7. technician's license number;
    8. technician's signature;
    9. NFPA code edition system was installed under;
    10. plan review or exemption number;
    11. serial or model number of panel, if applicable.
  2. All tags shall have a signature line for the technician to sign the tag upon completion of the work. No preprinted signatures are permitted. Technicians must sign the tag; initials are not permitted. Other information to be completed on the tag may be either handwritten or preprinted. Apprentices are not permitted to sign tags.
  3. Copies of certificates of compliance required to be completed by this office shall be attached to the system in a plastic pocket pouch/sleeve or given to the owner for filing.

External Verification Collars

  1. In addition to any other tag required by the rules, an external verification collar shall be provided each time an extinguisher is opened up for any type of maintenance or for any purpose.
  2. The standard external verification collar shall be on durable material. Self adhesive collars shall be permitted. Any color may be used with the exception of yellow or red. A new external verification collar shall be provided for an extinguisher each time internal maintenance or recharging is performed or the extinguisher is opened for any other reason.
  3. A new external verification collar is not needed when a CO2 extinguisher is recharged without opening the cylinder for inspection or on side cartridge type extinguishers.
  4. External verification collars shall bear the following:
    1. The certificate number of servicing firm (preprinted or printed in permanent ink
    2. Name and license number of the person who performed the service (preprinted or printed in permanent ink)
    3. Month and year that the service was performed (to be punched)
  5. External verification collars shall be affixed in the following manner:
    1. Any collar previously attached shall be removed prior to affixing a new collar
    2. The collar shall be placed around the exterior of the cylinder at or below the valve assembly
  6. The collar shall contain a single circular piece of uninterrupted material forming a hold of a size that will not allow the collar assembly to move over the neck of the cylinder unless the valve is completely removed. In no case shall the diameter of the opening exceed ¼ “ the diameter of the cylinder’s neck, measured directly below the valve assembly.

Record Label For Fire Extinguishers And Kitchen Suppression Systems

Each six year maintenance shall be recorded on a record tag consisting of a decal which shall be affixed (by a heatless process) on the exterior of the extinguisher shell. The decal shall either be metallic or of an equally durable material which does not corrode and which remains affixed to the extinguisher for the required period. The decal shall also not fade, wash away, or otherwise become illegible. Previous six-year maintenance record tags shall be removed when a new one is affixed. The record tag shall contain the following information:

  1. year and month that the six-year maintenance was performed;
  2. the name of the firm and its certificate number (must be pre-printed);
  3. the initials of the person performing the maintenance and his/her license number.

Hydrostatic Tests

  1. Low Pressure Cylinders. Each hydrostatic test shall be recorded on a record tag consisting of a decal which shall be affixed by a heatless process on the exterior of the extinguisher cylinder. The decal shall either be metallic or of an equally durable material which does not corrode and which remains affixed to the extinguisher for the required period. The decal shall also not fade, wash away, or otherwise become illegible.
  2. The record tag shall contain the following information, which, exception for Subparagraphs c and d hereof, must be hand punched:
    1. year and month that the hydrostatic test was performed;
    2. test pressure used;
    3. name of the firm and its certificate number (must be pre-printed);
    4. initials of the person performing the maintenance and his license number.
  3. Previous hydrostatic test record tags shall be removed when a new one is affixed.
  4. The licensed firm shall keep a permanent record of each hydrostatic test performed for a minimum of five years. The record shall include as a minimum the following:
    1. date of test;
    2. cylinder serial number;
    3. model number;
    4. cylinder size;
    5. test pressure;
    6. visual inspection result;
    7. cylinder disposition;
    8. initials of the person performing the test;
    9. owner of cylinder.

Installation Placards (Sprinkler)

  1. Upon installation of any new fire sprinkler system, the system shall have a placard permanently affixed on each riser. The installation placard shall be a minimum of 2¾ inches by 2¾ inches. Maximum size cannot exceed 5 inches by 5 inches. The following information and wording shall be required to be preprinted on the front side of the tag:
    1. DO NOT REMOVE BY ORDER OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL” (all capital letters, in bold type);
    2. installation placard;
    3. installation date;
    4. firm's name;
    5. firm's certificate number;
    6. qualifier's name;
    7. qualifier's license number;
    8. NFPA Code Edition System was installed under;
    9. plan review or exemption number;
    10. model number and manufacturer of sprinkler valve;
    11. model number and date of each type of sprinkler head on system.
  2. If after initial installation a sprinkler system is redesigned because of an occupancy change or the main control valve is replaced for any reason, a new installation placard shall be completed and attached as above, noting the appropriate changes in information.

Adhesive Certification (Fire Extinguisher)

  1. Shall meet the same color requirements as certification tags. They cannot be blue, red or yellow.
  2. The tag shall have an adhesive back.
  3. Tag shall be 8 inches long and 2¼ inches in width.
  4. Tag shall not be placed on the front of fire extinguisher.
  5. Tag shall be for outdoor extinguisher use or where regular tags fail.

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