R.S. 40:1582, Emergency Elevator Access, requires, for all buildings in the State of Louisiana that meet the following requirements,
that all of the keys for elevators that allow public access, including but not limited to service and freight elevators, shall be keyed so as to allow all elevators to operate in fire emergency situations with one master elevator key.
The Louisiana Legislature passed Act 749 during the Regular Session of 2008 and Act 367 of the 2010 Regular Session regarding emergency elevator access. R. S. 40:1582 requires:
The Office of State Fire Marshal has promulgated rules for implementation of this law which identifies measures that will assure that each existing building subject to the law can be retrofitted to comply. A copy of the law and rule can be found below.
A Master Elevator Key Order Form with a list of authorized distributors is found in the attachment below. Any further questions should be directed to Christy Abshire.
Emergency Elevator Access: Notification Memo
Posted: 04/30/13
Master Elevator Key Order Form
Posted: 01/04/19
Below is the text of R.S. 40:1582 that may be downloaded in .pdf format:
R.S. 40:1582 Emergency Elevator Access
Posted: 04/30/13
Emergency Elevator Access Rules
Posted: 04/30/13
Thank you for assisting the Louisiana State Fire Marshal's office in implementing R.S. 40:1582 which is a vitalmeasure of safety for our citizens and for first responders who may need access to elevators in times of emergency. Please identify buildings in your jurisdiction that are subject to R.S. 40:1582 (complete one form for each building):
Emergency Elevator Access: Building Information Sheet
Posted: 08/06/09
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