A powerful force within our Enforcement Division is our Canine Unit. These specially trained dogs can detect flammable liquids at a fire scene while leaving the exact location undisturbed aiding in evidence collection integrity. The use of K-9s lessens the amount of time an investigator would spend on a fire scene digging through debris looking for flammable liquid patterns. Canine use also reduces laboratory costs by increasing sample accuracy while reducing the amount of samples needed. Thus, the Investigator-Canine team is not only a savings to taxpayers but a strong visible deterrent to the would-be arsonist.
Agencies in need of K-9 team assistance should call 1-866-946-1097
Brady is a Black Labrador Retriever that has been in service for the state of Louisiana in the New Orleans metropolitan area since 2018. During this time, Brady has conducted over 75 fire scene searches and assisted in exposing criminal acts of arson and fraudulent insurance claims, resulting in considerable savings for the people of the state. Brady is a "play reward" K-9 and received his training from the United States K-9 Unlimited in Abbeville, Louisiana. Brady was awarded the 2020 Louisiana State Fire Marshal K-9 Team of the Year Award. Brady regularly provides assistance to fire investigators and law enforcement agencies, as well as performing demonstrations at schools, civic organizations, and public events in order to bring awareness to the crime of arson.
Sketch is a Belgian Malinois that has been in service for the state of Louisiana since 2015. During this time, Sketch has conducted numerous fire scene searches and has proven to be a tremendous asset to the agency. Sketch is a "play reward" canine. All training is in accordance with standards set forth by the Louisiana Office of State Fire Marshal. The canine team of Sketch and his handler recertify annually at various locations across the state. Sketch is known in the river parishes and down the bayou to fire scene investigators and law enforcement.
Bono is a black and brown Belgian Malinois that has been in service for the State of Louisiana since 2019. During this time Bono has conducted many fire scene sniffs that have assisted with determining potential fire causes and investigations. Bono is a "play reward" K-9 and was trained by Kasseburg Canine Training Academy located in New Market, Alabama. Bono recently completed a recertification course through the US K-9 Unlimited located in Abbeville, Louisiana. Bono is well known in southern Louisiana as he regularly provides assistance to fire investigators and other law enforcement agencies.
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