The purpose of this page is to keep you informed of changes in laws, codes, and interpretations affecting the Fire Suppression industry regarding Sprinkler Systems.
This page contains information on sprinkler design systems and new installations. If you are looking for information on inspections and tagging guidelines, please see the Licensing: Laws and Rules page
4-25-08 Per NFPA 13:22.1(2007 Edition), our office is now requiring that information such as commodity class, height of storage, special occupancy classifications, etc. be provided to the sprinkler system designer before the start of design. This information is to be provided by the Professional of Record or Owner. This document can be found on this web page under Owner's Information Certificate.
Sprinkler Protection for Exterior Roofs, Canopies, or Porte Cocheres
Sprinkler Protection Where Rubber Tires are Stored
11.14.02, Interpretive Memo 2002-17
Use of CPVC Pipe & Fittings in Sprinklered Facilities
03.06.00, Interpretive Memo 2000-07
NFPA 13:8.14 Special Situations, Regarding Head Locations in Sprinklered Buildings
Substandard Hydraulic Area Size & Requirement To Include Hydraulic Counterpart of Adjacent System
Created 06.28.98 | Uploaded 04.10.07
NFPA 13 Standard for The Installation of Sprinkler Systems
10.18.06, SFM In-House Q&A
LA Fire Sprinkler Association Quarterly Meeting
10.17.06, SFM Items of Concern
LA Fire Sprinkler Association Quarterly Meeting
04.20.05, SFM Items of Concern
LA Fire Sprinkler Association Quarterly Meeting
10.19.04, SFM Items of Concern
LA Fire Sprinkler Association Quarterly Meeting
04.15.03, SFM Items of Concern
LA Fire Sprinkler Association Quarterly Meeting
07.15.03, SFM Items of Concern
LA Fire Sprinkler Association Quarterly Meeting
04.16.02, SFM Items of Concern
LA Fire Sprinkler Association Quarterly Meeting
07.16.02, SFM Items of Concern
Owner's Information Certificate
Uploaded 04.25.07
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