Plan Review Forms

All paper submittals received by this office will be entered into the new OSFM-IMS system. These paper forms are designed to capture the minimum information required to complete the entry and to perform the review. Older forms published prior to November 1, 2015 will no longer be accepted and will be returned with a copy of the new application.

If you choose NOT to apply and submit your project through our secure portal, you may print the appropriate form found below, complete it in its entirety, and submit it with your plans and the appropriate fee. These forms have been formatted to coincide with the online submittal process. Please expect additional processing time for paper submittals.

To submit your application directly online through our secure online portal, click here: LASFM.LOUISIANA.GOV

Forms to be opened with Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 9 or greater. Earlier versions may not open these files.

Plan Review Application

Current paper editions of Plan Review applications can be found here. Check back regularly for any updates. Failure to complete the applications in their entirety may delay your review.

Plan Review Application

Industrialized Building Site Installation Review Application

Fire Alarm Review Application

Fire Suppression System Review Application

Fuel Storage Tank Review Application

Special Locking System Review Application

DHH Licensed Facility Plan Review Application

Appeal Request Form

This completed form and fee is to be submitted with identification of the deficiency and your proposed equivalent method of compliance for consideration. Multiple issues will be considered on an individual basis and must be submitted separately. Drawings that identify the proposed method of compliance must accompany this submittal where applicable.

NOTE: Accessibility Appeal Applications are not valid for facilities that are designed, constructed, altered, or operated with federal funds, or leases by a federal agency.

Certificate of Completion (All Districts)

The certificate of completion is normally enclosed with the review, but can be downloaded here if you need a fresh copy.

This form is required in order to comply with Louisiana Law and must be available at the Final Inspection. The form must be filled out and signed by the Design Professional or the Owner IF a Design Professional is not required.

2/9/2010 This form has been updated to include general contractor and system contractor signatures.

Check Lists and Fee Schedules

Some of these check lists are required with your submittal. Use the others to ensure that your submittal is complete. You will be asked to re-submit, and you will be charged a second time if your submittal is incomplete as we are unable perform a proper review with incomplete submittals.

Plan Review Application Instructions

Fire Alarm System Review Checklist

We use this form in-house to verify that you have sent us a complete submittal package. You can take advantage of it here by using it prior to sending us any fire alarm system for review.

Fire Suppression System Review Checklist & Fee Schedule (Paint Booth/Clean Agent)
Posted 5.3.13

Sprinkler System Review Checklist & Fee Schedule
Revised 1.20.13

Use to verify that our submittal is complete.

Storage Tank System Review Checklist

Use to verify complete submittal information for storage tanks intended for containing Flammable or Combustible Liquids.

Chemical Fire Suppression System Checklist (Kitchen Hood Only)

Use to verify compliance for suppression system review submittals. These systems typically are provided in Exhaust Hoods but may be found in other situations that require Chemical Suppression in accordance with NFPA 17 or 17A.

Solid Waste Checklist
Posted 07.08.11

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Louisiana Office of State Fire Marshals
Louisiana Office of State Fire Marshals